Monday, 21 October 2013

One Year Already?

My friends at PAFA reminded me this morning that my Etsy shop is one year old today. It would have slipped by me unnoticed had they not brought it to my attention. Thanks, guys and gals! 2011 was certainly a good year sales-wise, though my shop doesn't reflect as much because I did a lot of off-line selling. I attended several craft shows and although I sold, I'm thinking now that I won't be doing them in 2012. They are so much work, the fees are going up, the attendance seems to be going down, and all things considered, I'd rather reach a worldwide audience than a handful of folks passing by my booth. That said, I do enjoy getting out and meeting my customers - something we can't do in cyberspace. Or can we? Maybe not in the same, face-to-face way, but certainly this blog, Etsy teams, and social media sites (where I fail miserably to understand or maintain) serve to take that place. I have "met" many wonderful people through blogging and networking online, and I know as I put in more online effort (on my to do list) I will meet even more. I truly love what I do, silly as seems sometimes...and I give thanks every day for my ability to do this. So - I'm going to post an Anniversary Giveaway here tomorrow. I'm off now to get it together....

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